Thursday, January 08, 2009

I think I think: Jadea Kiss

Saturday: THE Ohio State university took care of Penn State

Sunday: The Bengals beat the Steelers and remain undefeated!

Who Dey indeed.

Went to go get my new cell phone on Friday...they told me it was $650 but if I waited till December they'd take $200 off

...yup, i'm waiting.

Smurf berry crunch cereal was nasty
I have like 5 movies on Tivo I haven't seen yet

The island
Diary of a mad black woman
and two others...these are movies I'd NEVER go see but on lazy days I'd sit up and watch
...maybe next weekend.

I need a new Fall scent

Kidnapped is okay so far
Smith looks interesting
The Amazing race...dunno this season yet

Daunte Culpepper is Fantasy Football Kryptonite

I actually looked at the website....I dunno I joked with Shortstop about it...maybe I should.

Top Model

I SO want this girl 6'-1" Jaeda Young

I'm certain she's the most popular girl in school...please since I'm sure to never meet her allow me to suspend the fact that she's 18 please? Thanx.

If things with me and Jaeda doesn't work out..I'm SO calling Anchal

LORD her skin and eyes!

K, so quickly:

The Twins suck, shouldn't be there and are incredibly unattractive
Monique should've gotten smacked silly for the bed thing
CariDee does look like Rebecca Romjin
Melrose (Cool name) looks old as hell and will prolly leave soon
There's a lot of pig noses on this season
Brooke is terrible looking

Who I want to win: Jaeda or Anchal :)
Who'll Probably win: Megan
Sleeper: AJ

I created a logo but I never use it

I don't drink soda much (and I'm trying to stop all together *cept Rum & Pepsi LOL*)

Mountain Dew Code red is very tasty.

I need a new Computer...prolly will be getting up with Dell soon.

I don't really think I'm boring, I enjoy myself all the time; I only speak on others perceptions of me and the things I like to do.

I like Sharpie

Jay-Z is making a new album...I'm not sure that I care.

album...who says that anymore?

The more I listen to music I realize that almost no matter who it is I don't really like it.

Bootz!? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Damnit, there went the LAST piece of Flavor of Love eye candy
...speakin of which...That nibblez naked isn't really THAT hot after all


when guys get mad at other guys why does it always get gay?
'F you'
'Suck my'
'I'll make you my Bitch'
'I'll shove your ...'

Graham crackers taste good...but who ever buys them?

Someone said that I look like PMD from EPMD...I dunno

(The guy on the left)

I've never seriously dated a woman with a child before.
...I dunno; I mean I would I think.

I remember saying in college the only way I'd date a woman that had a child seriously is if she had a daughter...she was cute and the Father of the child is deceased

LOL! That's some fuked up ish to think/say

I have a favorite porn star actress (Carmen Hayes) She puts her legs behind her head...that gets me EVERY time

There are a lot of hypocritical people out there

I had NO idea that Katt Williams was that funny! I saw the Pimp chronicles pt 1 on HBO over the weekend...funniest standup since I went to see Chappelle in Washington DC

I didn't think I'd like it...watched it 3 times already.

K, so

Bree is my favorite, she's just stupid for trusting this new dude
...and why did he run over Mike?

how close is the neighbor hood if the chick from across the street just walks over to spill the beans?

Now the rain is going to uncover the body?

I like how they introduced new people though...but it's less about the women doing f'ed up ish though...dunno first show.

The pregnant chick is wack and annoying

NO ONE cares about Lynn and her family

...i'm sorry...Desperate Housewives.

Miss Ahmad, I'm so dateable lol

I think I'm about done with's getting more played and older everyday....If I wasn't so attracted to a few people on my friends list I'd probably been gone a while ago lol

They have Baby wipes with Shea butter now! YES!

...I hate buying them though, I don't know why it's embarrassing...maybe part because I don't want the cute cashier to think I have a child...I dunno don't ask me.

I'd use my vacation days but I don't really have anywhere to go or no one to go I'd want to go places like LA or NY...Vega$...maybe Miami...nothing too crazy.

John Legend has a new CD coming...I WILL NOT be suckered into buying another release from that guy

I think I missed the boat on Grey's anatomy...they were posting like crazy on the message board talking about that show

I'd love to meet Sangin

Martin is getting NO love on the poll on here

Heroes comes on tonight at 9 ...gonna check it out; might be good.

Y&R: better get the old Vic back and soon...And figure out what you're going to do with Carmen...I do NOT heart Dru

I'd love to meet Unity

My top 10 Favorite Hip Hop Artists of all time

1. KRS One
2. Rakim
3. Big Daddy Kane
4. Kool G Rap
5. LL cool J
6. Slick Rick
7. Chuck D
8. Run
9. Ice Cube
10. Ghostface & AZ tied

I love women.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    that Indian girl was sooooo beautimonous and shit!

    Also wtf made you thing anything EATABLE named smurf was going to taste good??

    and re. This:
    I remember saying in college the only way I'd date a woman that had a child seriously is if she had a daughter...she was cute and the Father of the child is deceased

    I Say Babymomma is dead or a million miles away but dead preferably and kids over a certain age but definitely past one and a half year old cause, cause otherwise they prolly still smell like uterus so why you out there trolloping for ass??

  2. See?

    THIS is why im comin over

  3. Yeah Myspace is boring now…I hear you on the fact that you are over it!

    For your vacation - come to Europe.

    With John Legand you have to listen to it 100 times or so then it growns on you lol

  4. "Diary of a mad black woman" a must see.On jadea ,,makes two of us bro two nee d to get me a model gal ll.How r you?

  5. when guys get mad at other guys why does it always get gay?
    'F you'
    'Suck my'
    'I'll make you my Bitch'
    'I'll shove your ...'- Hilarious

    Grey's is so Good!

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    my list would have mos def, kweli, and redman on there rakim would be before krs

  7. Anchal is stunning but she looks a little narrow in the face in that pic.
