24 Is the greatest show period.
Sprint is alright with me, I don’t know why everyone has so many problems.
There’s no reason for anyone to have hundreds and hundreds of friends on myspace
unless you’re a celebrity or doing some serious networking; it’s useless.
Grown people fighting is ignorant.
Women lounging around the house in sweat shorts and a Tee shirt or tank is sexy.
When someone subscribes to your blog is when they really pay attention.
Nothing beats Sesame body butter from the Body shop
Chicken tastes soo good when you use Lemon pepper
7 + 7 =14
The Lakers stink and I hate’em
Looks attract, personality keeps, actions maintain.
Some people think I’m too sarcastic
Yo Momma is possibly the dumbest show on television…it’s slightly offensive.
In all honesty, no one can really be offended by a television program or song…
turn it off, don’t be stupid.
The dating scene in the DC metro is Torrible (Terrible and Horrible)
Football is better than sex if you understand my theory.
I hate nervous laughter…or when people laugh after everything they say.
If you’re reading this I fux witcha, leave a comment say hi.
If you’re not reading this; you’re lying.
Captain Morgan is my homeboy
I’m the only person that likes Zero candy bars
People that say “Wrestling is fake” fails to realize if you’re watching a show on TV
(Outside of ‘reality shows’) They are all fake….it’s kinda the definition.
Musiq needs to hurry up and make another CD
No one makes better wings than me
There’s no such thing as a “Good man” or “Good woman”
If I don’t know you, trying to get to know you, or talking to you on a semi regular basis
Odds are you wont stay on my friends list.
I don’t know who was more useless in the Superfriends; Robin or Aquaman
Wendy’s has the better BBQ sauce; Chick Fil A has the better nuggets.
Getting take out, watching DVD’s and playing games is a good date,
Unfortunately you can’t just let anyone come to your place.
I’m annoyed easy…I don’t know if they’re pet peeves or I just hate people in general
I love slim/petite women.
For some reason I’m attracted to/most of my girlfriends has had big foreheads.
I like/eat Turkey Bacon and I don’t care if you don’t
The coolest cartoon character name was “Montgomery Good news moose”
from the Get along gang
I’m one of the few lucky people that works in the field they went to college for and
Actually enjoys/likes their job.
I’d trade the entire basketball season for 4 or 5 extra weeks of Football
Ernie could beat Burt in a fist fight
No you are not, I love Zero candy bars too. My brother has me hooked on them.
ReplyDeleteRemember Sesame Body butter?? Man...they should've never gotten rid of it!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know...Burt can probably take Ernie out with one punch...
I miss Sprint...I have T-Mobile...it doesn't suck, but it aint the best either, just cheaper.
The Lakers rock! If you are not a Raider fan then you don't like Football! There I said it!
ReplyDeleteStop by, i'll keep reading!
I am going to borrow this: Looks attract, personality keeps, actions maintain.
ReplyDeleteActually Musiq has a new CD out or it is coming soon.
I love McDonals nuggets.
I am slim/petite BUT no big forehead. LOL!