Saturday, November 01, 2008

I Think I think: Candy

What a fuk'n weekend!!!
Saturday started slow but popped of lovely! (Penn State loss; Ohio State won)

I have yet to find a woman that truly enjoys Cards, Board games, Shooting pool, Bowling, TV & Movies.
...oh and shopping...THAT would be my most favoritest woman ever!

Flavor of Love 2:
A cold sore?! Alls I know is Beautiful was just that.
...but Bootz!?!? WOW she has everything she'll ever need.
Why the fascination with Deelishus? That is a meaty head chick...EXTRA manly.
New York!!!!!!!!!!!! She was a caricature of last years Tiffany but she's back none the less...
I guess this is a set up for her and Flav to have a show together
Buckwild; "Where did your accent go?" Puahahaha
I don't watch previews so don't spoil anything for me!

I like dirty talk in the bed...but too much either sounds fake or someone is not doing their job good enough if there are too many coherent thoughts

New Nikes...the Air China's...I sooo wanted didn't have my size.

I think my Treo 650 is on it's last legs...almost time for the 700p

It's FALL TIME!!!! You know what that means?!?
New fall fashions!!!
New TV shows!!!!
Crunchy leaves on the ground!

I had the greatest date ever last week.

Finally saw the Wire
Not bad...not quite the Barksdale jumpoff...dunno what I think about the new Drug dude.
Guess this season is supposed to be about the school system
The Whole run for mayor thing is wack...dont care about that.
I LOVED the Hardware store nail gun thing...and the hiding bodies in walls and ish.
That's hot.

THE Ohio State University put it on Texas on Saturday...and they STAY #1
...Lord knows why people thought they'd lose to that craptastic team.

Survivor starts on Thursday...who's with me?

I can't get online with my Madden game on XBOX 360 for whatever reason...sux.

Maybe I am moody...I dunno

My Top 3 Fav Television wives

1. Gina Payne
2. Clair Huxtable
3. Wanda Mac

Smoking Weed is a great ice breaker/get closer to someone for whatever reason...You meet someone like ' do you smoke?' they be like 'yeah'
Next thing you know they come over...or you go over there to smoke (cuz you can't do it out anywhere)
....f'n weed heads stealing my women LOL

WHY do I like the London Bridge song?
(I'd never buy it...turn it on; on purpose...but I wouldn't race to click it off)

My favorite thing to eat for breakfast is Pecan Waffles, Turkey bacon and Grits

Why is everyone's blog better than mine? Everyone has a theme...poetry, celebrity news...tributes to Beyonce (sigh)...personal excursions, etc.
Mine? All you get is this LOL!

I need a new wallet and a new belt...both are too damn expensive though

My sense of humor has a steep learning curve for some people...hard to tell when I'm being serious or's a hint; most of the time I'm not.

I use to burn incense a lot...but I've come to find oils are WAY better.

This IPOD thing kicks far I have a little over 1200 songs

I keep this version of 'Eclectik rotation' pumpin longer than the others ass it keeps starting over when you click pages/posts...meh.

Reason 17 why I'm single: I maintain a weird work schedule.

Why do they call that phone Chocolate? It's black and red!

I'm starting to burn out on Myspace...all my true friends are here and on the message board :)

What happened to Peter?

I don't like Martinis...I like rum, Vodka & Cran, and 'bitch' drinks
Def Comedy Jam started last night...shame that a lot of people didn't get to watch when it first came out.
I was supposed to type something the next time I did a "I think"" post....but I forgot
(See? I should pre write these things)

I don't get mad often...I don't think I've truly been mad in a looong time.

I don't read books, I don't drink wine...I'm not grown enough to enjoy either of these things.

I go back and forth on the whole marriage thing. Sometimes it seems like the thing to do...other (most) times I think; why bother? Marriage makes no sense
(Unless you're trying to build a fam with children...but NOT because you have children)

I like watching Monk

In about 5 years the Sex and the City cast can reunite and make a new version of Golden Girls

Sometimes I feel selfish getting oral...I think; damn this feels good... I should be doing something for them LOL

I have yet to find a woman that's really into football :(

Victor is wiggin out for no reason...close to how I want him, but not quite
I hate Dru; Neil needs to drop her quickly...
No one cares about: Lily, Daniel, Lauren, Billy, Jill, Kevin, or JT & that other chick.
Brad is the worst...and Victoria is stupid
I hate Sharon, she should go.
Jack and Ashley...ugh.

Damn, there I go again....see? That’s why my shows need to start so I can talk about things everyone watches.
My Top 10 Greatest old school candy

1. Now & Laters
2. Jolly Ranchers sticks
3. Lemon Heads
4. Laffy Taffy
4. Boston Baked beans
5. Root beer barrels
6. Bit-O-Honey
7. Carmel Creams
8. Fun Dip
9. Mike N Ikes
10. Over your grandmother's house Strawberry candy

1 comment:

  1. Am I the 1st? That was alot of thinking...I couldnt reply to all of it but know I read it..and erm...HAPPY NEW YEAR
