Saturday, November 01, 2008

My girl want to party all the time

Why don't you club?

Clubbing (in my opinion) is one of the few things that people do on the regular that yields NO return

You figure:

  • Put on some 'club clothes'
  • Drive to the club (Gas)
  • Pay for parking
  • Wait in line (For dumb long)
  • Pay to get in (Don't ask if there's someone performing)
  • If it's cold out? Pay for coat check
  • Purchase some expensive-ass watered-down, thimble size drinks.

THEN you have the fun


  • You stand around and look at tits and ass
  • Either try and look hard/thugged out or try and look sexy.
  • Buy an expensive bottle of champagne that taste like sweaty rat back and front like you have cash like that

(But when a woman uses you for your cash you get burnt and call her a gold digger...go fig.)

  • Go out on the floor and try and grind on some chick
  • Or (my personal fav) Grab at a womans arms when they walk by and think that they're going to stop and give you some rhythm.


  • Stand around and look at the ridiculous outfits other women have on

(If you don't ...they're probably doing it to you)

  • Laugh at the guys that's trying to look hard or trying to look sexy
  • Go out on the floor and get molested by some dude dry humpin your leg like a Horny beagle
  • Or the obligatory "Arm Grab" followed by 'can I talk to you for a second?"


Basically what it boils down to is:

  • An expensive outing with Loud ass music I would never listen to on purpose
  • Sweaty stank-ass people bumping into you

(Dont say anything about it or then it's on)

  • People spilling drinks on your 'club clothes'

(Again, keep your mouth shut...might get shot)

  • And you just ummm stand around and look around and ummm...yeah
  • Then after 'bout 5 hours you go home
  • OR you go to IHOP and spend some more money. you figure, end of the night, spent about $100.

Less for women with the: "Ladies get in free before..." and Men trickin' on drinks

But anyway, it amounts to too damn much...too extra for ole Mr. eclectik here.


Lemme go shoppin, I'll get a shirt or a pair of sneakers

...a DVD, a 8-pack of Smirnoff twisted (Watermelon or Green Apple) and relax have a slice of Pizza or some take out and watch a movie. Same or less amount of money...much more fun.

But do go out...enjoy,

just not for me.


  1. I rarely go to clubs so I think I will chill at home with you and some friends if that’s ok

    I don’t drink so I will bring some juice can we watch a girly dvd??

  2. Man,
    I'm just passing through but I have to say I totally agree. Gay clubs are about the same. The one exception is when the DJ is REALLY on point, you ignore those crazy folks and get your fuckin' boogie on, then the club ain't so bad. However, generally I'd rather stay home with a good DVD too, but THIS brother needs something harder than a Smirnoff Ice. =)
