Monday, January 05, 2009

I think I think: Applause

I think...

Worthless word of the day: Placcard know the thing that you put on your mirror for handicap? Why can't it be a damn sign or something? ...placcard

So far my new shows are working out:

Standoff is good
Justice is hot
Vanished is good
Prison Break, Weeds and The Wire are back
Survivor and The Amazing Race are back duds yet.

Maaaaannnnnnnnn McDonalds commercials use to be the shit!

They had the Fry guys...Mayor McCheese...Birdee...and the Shake and fry bag...used to be McDonald land every Saturday Morning

I can see how women can not want to date for a long time...I had one good date in what? 2 years

and that one turned out to be absolutely nothing.

...I think I'm going to sign up for

I don't really drink soda (unless it's Rum & Coke) but lately I've been really liking Mountain Dew: Code Red

You know what would be funny? Kermit the Frog and Beyonce doing the Kid N Play Kick step

I'd so marry Pam Oliver

As a man that basically grew up on music (R&B, Soul, and Hip Hop) I'm realizing more and more that I loathe music today.

Other than a SMALL handfull of artists I could do without anything made from '95 till today.

90% of all music I listen to is old school: Soul, Funk, hip Hop, R&B

...even the old pop music was hotter.

I need a couple of new Fall Jackets...don’t know where I'ma get em from though.

I bought another pair of sneakers...nothing exclusive though just some Air Max

I needed some black and white/gray color sneakers...wanted the Air force One Scar face joints...but again, no size 13

Internet Spam in the email is one thing, but on my blog and my messageboard is really pissin me off now.

Okay so:

Dru gets drunk, puts Neil and Carmen on blast... goes and cuts up Carmen’s clothes...and acts like a asshole
and Neil STILL wont get rid of her?
Now Vic is going to have Surgery?
Jack's a jerk
Sharon is worse
I need Brad to get caught still wantin' Sharon so Victoria can NOT look like a dumb whore anymore.

You know what's stupid to me? Applause.

Why is clapping a good thing/acceptable? What does it do?

I know it's a sign of appreciation or whatever...but why?

Just seems dumb...someone does a back flip and people smack their hands together for a while then stops...k.

I could do without ever hearing any artist on popular radio ever again in life...including your precious Bee on Say

I will admit I KINDA like the Fergie London Bridge song

...maybe it's because I remember when she was on Kids Incorporated


Looong way.

LOL My Blog is truly about nothing

The Bengals are 2-0
The Buckeyes are 3-0 and Ranked #1
Fuk yeah!

Our Firm gave everyone the Wonderlic/IQ test thingy....I scored the highest in the office

...and I'm dumb as all get out; so what does that say?

Sex must not be TOO important...cuz I'm really good at it but still single lol

I'm more of a drinker (juice/fitness water/Gatorade) than an eater.

Within a two week span I:

Went to 2 Bars (Till late night)
A Pool Hall (again till late)
A Brunch spot for mimosas and waffles :)
A Smokey lounge
Atlantic City
And another bar

...then was criticized for being an introvert and uncomfortable with being out in social settings...go figure.

Who knew that Project Runway was so good? This is my first season watching.

3 Cereals I wish they'd bring back:

1. Ice Cream cones
2. Smores Crunch
3. Rocky Road

...guess I really like Graham

My Favorite color of Construction paper was orange.

I found a replacement for my discontinued Sesame Body Butter from the Body Shop

(damn as I typed that I really realized how gay that was lol)

I'm not a hater...I'ma disliker

...But I know some haters...and damn!

I need somebody to go to Cheesecake Factory with me.

My Top 20 Favorite Hip hop Songs of all time (Off the top of my head)

1. Criminal Minded (Boogie Down Productions)
2. My Melody (Eric B & Melody)
2. Roxanne's Revenge (Roxanne Shante)
3. My Uzi weighs a Ton (Public Enemy)
4. Keep Rising to the top (Doug E Fresh & The Get Fresh Crew)
5. Ain't no 1/2 Steppin (Big Daddy Kane)
6. Nobody Beats the Biz (Biz Markie)
7. I'm bad (LL Cool J)
8. It takes Two (Rob Base & DJ EZ rock)
10. Get the Bozack (EPMD)
11. King of Rock (Run DMC)
12. The Bridge is Over (Boogie Down Productions)
13. Move the Crowd (Eric B and Rakim)
14. Queen of the Rox (Roxanne Shante)
15. Ya Cold wanna be with me (UTFO)
16. My Adidas (Run DMC)
17. Super Cassanova (Super lover Cee and Casanova Rud)
18. South Bronx (Boogie Down Productions)
19. My Mike Sounds nice (Salt N Pepa)
20. Public Enemy No. 1 (Public Enemy)


  1. I like Cheesecake but I ive to far from you :) What was the replacement body shop stuff?

  2. You need to come and hang Angel! Stop playin!

    The replacement I think was Origins
    The Green tea stuff is LIKE THAT


  3. LMAO at Kermit and Beyonce doing the Kid-N-Play Kick Step!!!

    Yes, those old Mickie D's commercials were the joints. Especially the pledge song, the one where you had to learn the song to win money. Priceless...
