Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I think I think: Razzburry


*Clears throat*

Decent weekend indeed, where do I begin? ....hmmmm....OH I GOT IT!

YUP! Ohio State takes care of Michigan...LIKE I predicted!

...and the game shouldn't have been that close, the Refs were on that bull...they called a "Roughing the CENTER" Penalty?

What the hell is that? Anywhoo


The Bengals are back! Ocho Cinco another 3 TDs and 190 yards...ahhhhh , hate that it had to be the Saints; but they were on the schedule!

...on to the Randomness

Why are Jeans $200+ ? I'm a jean freak but...they're accents; the Shirt and shoes are the stars!

(Granted I do pay $80 for mine ...but damn!)

My birthday is this week...I'm probably doing nothing and getting nothing LOL

Who knew that Texas and California had such FINE ass bloggers?

As much as I enjoy a good drink when I'm can't beat a Strawberry or Raspberry Lemonade...AND you get free refills :)

Why is there a 'P' in Raspberry? ...that annoys me

Something about light brown to light skin women with light color hair is so sexy!

Boy I heart Q-Tips...there's only a few things you can do to yourself that feels good, I'm sayin they're #2 or #3 :)

What is the worst thing about my blog?

5 Reasons why I'm not grown yet

1. I don't appreciate Wine (It tastes like melted freeze pops mixed with gin)

2. I don't read books (If it's a hot story, the movie will be out soon)

3. I still watch Wrestling on TV (I dunno)

4. I can sit up and watch Tom and Jerry, and Bugs and Daffy all day

5. I don’t try new foods (I pretty much eat what I've always eaten)

People that are NOT sports fans that hate when sports fans say "We" "Us" or "Our team" annoys me, let us be fans jerk muffin

I'm a HUGE James Bond movie fan...scared to se the new jump off, don't like the way this new guy looks.

Pot roast tastes good, but who makes that?

I want these SO bad, but I can’t find my size; they are only $125

They said they may still make a Sex and the City movie...I want to see it (I Swear I'm Hetero)

...also Where the hell is Devil Wears Prada on DVD? I want to see it (Seriously I swear I am)

I need to shoot pool and play chess more often...would LOVE to have a woman to do those things with.

Maybe I am grown after all; I don’t have any fun at Dave & Busters

Barney Rubble doesn't have a neck

...Betty is bangin' though

I use to draw a lot


More and more I’m hating Dru and the family

LOVE that Vic is figuring ish out...THAT'S my Dude

HATE Sharon

Nick is Corny, but I like Phyllis

This whole Art thing is pissing me off

Gloria should leave my TV

Remember Big League Chew?

The BET hip Hop awards....I'll never get those 2 hours back

...seriously; TI, Luda, and Jeezey were on stage 4 different times performing; like there were NO other rappers that had songs

By the way outside of 'the cipher' there wasn't a damn thing Hip Hop about the awards


Can you be confident and be void of self esteem issues but just feel unattractive?

What was the blue freeze pop flavor? That ish that looked like Windshield wiper fluid.

I don’t think you have to SEE who you're involved with to them...text message? Sure...but not be around.

...that's why I can do long distance relationships I spose.

I'm not always AT the computer...the instant messenger may be on but I may not be there

Yahoo & MSN messenger: eclectikrelaxation

The little dude/son on Ugly Betty KILLS me! LMAO!

...I dunno, I'd smash the Ugly Betty actress

Candy I use to eat NO ONE remembers: Chewy Chalk

Did I list me not dancing as a reason I'm single?

Desperate Housewives is that show!

Bree is finally getting the picture

Mike is getting hemmed up

Eddie is quietly bangin for an old ass white chick

The Susan thing is wack

The Child toucher thing is interesting for real, I love vagina.

I bet Hefty Smurf could beat She -Ra in arm wrestling


I LOVE the mall during Xmas time...I'm weird

If I were sexy? I'd be dangerous!

Went to Checkers on Friday, LOVE their fries

Disappointed in the people on the message board; wanted someone to review movies and CDs and give opinions for us

LOVE sarcastik's Sports jump off though

...and if you're not participating on the message board; you're not my friend :p

Why are people still offended by curse words?

Deja Vu or Dreamgirls? I’m going with Deja Vu

I have a blog post I typed up but never posted it because I knew I'd get an incredible amount of Back lash and NO ONE would agree with me

Walking into spider webs pisses me the hell off

When you go out on a date, what is there to do outside of Eat, movies, drink?

When people don't believe in God...when they hope something happens or wishes for something; who are they hoping and wishing to?

I want a new bracelet; the one I have is wack to me was hot for a second

This is the one I own now

I need to start saving more

I haven't listened to "radio" in years...I have Sirius and an Ipod.

My e crushes probably don't take me serious

Still insults my intelligence that a pair of glasses fools everyone in Metropolis

Family guy is hilarious!

She looks like a Movie a Chocolate Candy Bar

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