How many times do I have to start these with "The Bengals lost"?
(Answer 5 weeks in a muhfukn row)
They scored like crazy! Up 21 points!? Lost still
Ocho Cinco over 200 yards and 2 Touches...and The God Palmer over 400!?
...Moving along

I made the prediction Months before the season....let's get me closer to being right.

I'm surprised that people feel me on the Hip Hop and the NBA posts...pretty damn impressive
I have a e crush lol
You know what is sexy? A woman in a "A" Shirt (Wife beater) and no bra...no matter the size of the mommy parts...still DAMN!
Lemonade was a popular drink and it still is.
Where are the damn dark skin women? Can I get a couple on TV?
...I miss Kenya Moore.

A faster marriage you'll never see
Professional Wrestling: I still watch...WWE sux these days TNA is WAY better.
My Tallest girlfriend was 6'-3"
Cinnabun is the greatest...the caramel pecan ones now have the regular icing...dont get them often but when I do? YEP!
I may be one of the few that do not drink coffee...never been to Starbucks
That means I've never tasted a Grande mocha caramel frappa lappa dohickey doo
...I'ma send that bitch a smiley face.
It's Monday.
Women that wear glasses is so damn hot to me
I LOVE MY TREO these days...Picture/smart phones rock ass!
I want more dressy type clothes (Im a Jeans/Sneaker type guy)...but I don’t have any reason to wear them so I put it off.
Fish sticks....fish sticks used to be the MOVE! put em in the oven...sprinkle a little salt.

If the Bengals cannot make the big dance I want to see: Colts-Saints
Movie I like that NO ONE REMEMBERS: Super Fuzz
now if anyone knows THAT movie that's crazy!
The long sleeve T shirt under the short sleeve is my new ish son!
But why no Betty Flinstone Chewables?

If you're not already on the messageboard, you need to directa yo feetsa...Come hang with me!!!
There's about 5 bloggers that I frequent that could SOOOOO 'get it'
Every time I get the canned air spray your keyboard thingy everybody wants to use it when I'm done.
Ciara is FINE! DAMN!
...her body is SICK!

To this day...the song and video for 'Goodies'...YEP!
I use to love The Letter People....3rd grade M-fer's!
Dont care about:
The stupid Art ish with Vicky , Brad, and his cornball Mother
Lauren till Sheila shows up
Anything with the Lawyer dude and Ashley, Gloria, and Jill
Stupid Billy and Gambling
Pretty much anything NOT Victor, Jack's lying, and Carmen's murder (The Chick at the coffee shop is kinda interesting)
I hope Devon did it...Brad prolly did...hope Neil did it...Hopes Dru goes to jail...can't STAND that family and none of the acting
..cept the Old Lilly is back...that's hot.
I like DC
I'd rather a woman tap me on the shoulder and say let's take a break...cut it short than fake an orgasm
...I take that as the utmost disrespect.
TAP OUT puahahahahaha
You know what I've been sleepin on (and I blame ya'll for not tellin me) Committed: The Christies
The Doug Christie reality jump off with him and his wife...dude is EXTRA whipped...
On one had, it must be nice to have someone that's so into you and want you like that
on the other...she is batty!
*Three minutes into the show, Jackie and Doug are walking through a CD store when a young girl comes up to see if they need any help. “He knows what he wants,” Jackie snaps, and then adds, “Get away from me.”


I really need to be pumpin' Dana Dane right now....
So the Fugees reunion was JUST for the Chappelle block party? And that wasn't really worth nuffin
Everyone has stretch marks...it's the dark raised ones that scare me
Double standard:
Teacher (man) sexes his studen...Ewwww bad...pervie McNasty pants!
Teacher (woman) sexes her student...Well thats just unfortunate...she's a disgrace.
(Guys...whoooo hooo where were they when I was growing up?)
...never hear women say Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy where were the male teachers to feel me up when I was in high School?
By the way...Net speak: "Whoo hoo" <--not a fan. Playstation 3 comes out...I kinda care but don't really..I have a XBOX 360 that I dont play enough...so spending $700 (yes $700) on the new jump off just doesnt make sense at the time ...which is a sign of me growing up ...cuz a few years ago it soooo wouldn’t have mattered. I have mostly female friends I thought getting a new Myspace page would rejuvenate the whole movement...nah. My right pinky finger hurts Fukin Chargers. Two women you will soon see in my Top 10: Paula Patton: Idlewild, Deja Vu

Salma Hayek: Just saw her on Ugly Betty...YEP!

People don't know what I look like...you're not missin anything LOL
Black men should not wear fur coats
....no one should not wear fur coats.
What makes my blog so different?
People that settle down because they've reached a certain age suck ass...and deserve the unhappiness when ish don’t pop off.
My favorite Animal: Koala
Doesn't it defeat the purpose to have the exclusive new song if the DJ is gonna talk all over it?
I'm addicted to nipples and areolas.
...bitches love smiley faces
6'3 is TALL I'm 5'10 and every man thinks I'm tall..
ReplyDeleteI adore your randomness…you are the king of it!
koalas are my favorite animal too. they're so cute! and you're right about the smileys :)
ReplyDeletei know i thought i could subject hop. oh no sir you've got me beat.
ReplyDeletei guess you were really crushed about that koala that was burned in australia.
5'-10" is sexy Angel...come here
ReplyDeleteHey Angelina, love the Koalas
LOL @ subject hopping...my mind just goes LOL
Love you peoples!
Dont forget to check out the real site too