Why does it seem like it took forever for Monday to come, yet the weekend went by so fast?
meh, anyway.
No Bengals report from Sunday.....because....
they're on MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!

Has Playoff implications (And Fantasy Playoff implications)...more on this as it develops lol
Also, new campaign...since we ALL know and agree that Ohio State will win the National Championship vs. Florida...that's in the books
NEW ISH for 07 Ohio State makes the Final Four in march! (Why the hell not? F u!)

Anyway, on to the Randomness...
New stuff from Origins makes my face feel great! I still roll with The Body Shop though
Taye Diggs did it again...Daybreak has been cancelled
The Song "smack that"....why?
I'm not photogentic
I like to talk during the previews...
Does Jewelry, slang, and constipated facial expressions make a man sexy?
Okay, when you pray...do you pray to Jesus or GOD?
...and you know what annoys the yams with marshmallows outta me? When people interchange the two...ugh
(And I don’t even go to church so it must really annoy me lol)
I'm lovin my new phone...it has mad features son!
I'm really thinkin I'll end up checking Dreamgirls on DVD or on HBO
(Unless I check it on a date, but again....)
This is such a GREAT time of year, I LOVE the malls during Christmas...I know I’m the only one.
I have NEVER seen a woman sexier in a movie than Salma Hayek in After the sunset...PERIOD not Halle not Eva Mendes, Not Sanaa Latham, not nobody...

Copped the new AZ (The Format) I swear he's so underrated.
It's not really corn in there; it's just the skin passes through (ewwww)
Speaking of ewwwww Get ready for I love New York!

Why does Peach flavored stuff taste so much better than actual peaches?
Do people still sit around and smoke weed?
People are to inconsistent to be called friends these days
...cause I'm sayin; Jesus died for our Sins right? and he might be coming back so you should pray to him right?
But God made Jesus...and I'm thinkin would be the one sending him back...and he's GOD!! so pray to him right?
...I dunno I still go back and forth thinkin God is a woman...what do I know?
I want some Cheetos
I think for the right to run for President; Obama and Hillary should dress up like Ozone and Special K and have a Dance off

They said that Miami wants Iverson...and would trade anyone except Wade and Shaq, if that happened whoooooooooooo!
Speaking of which, another fight in Basketball over the weekend...meh wasn't anything too spectacular; little 50 cent lookin Nate Robinson LOL
The Amazing Race finale was terrible
How do blind people know when they're done wiping?
I swear I OWN the "Friends Zone" that's MY HOUSE! lol
Internet thugs kill me...Hard ass pictures on Myspace and Yahoo! When the toughest thing you can do is delete a muhfuka from your Buddy or friends list...you're hurtin' nothin'
Puahahahah! Real G's don't know Ctrl Alt Delete!
Where's Chuckii Booker?

I have a Coach Leather cover for my Ipod
When I don't have singles or any change for the vending machine, I take it as a sign I don’t need what's in there.
Why being neat is always gay? Anal Retentive; Metro sexual..LOL
People say what other people want to hear...esp to the opposite sex...but the receiver don't see the frontin' they eat that ish up...not me, I'ma say what Ima say...repsect it.
Asian Women have GREAT legs....ass be like CD cases though
does Rick Ross really exist, or is Rueben Studdart doing a Tyresee?

You know who got BANK!? ...Women.
Think about it:
They get in the club for free before 11
Free Drinks Till 12
Guys buy them drinks after 12
Take them to eat
Drive so they won’t waste gas/gas money
They only spend their money on ish they want to...waitin for the Annual Vickies sale LOL
Pretty damn sweet life...I'm not hatin' I'm jealous! ...I'ma get me one! LOL!
And you don't even have to be cute either! You can just have a fat ass, or big nipples...don't matter us simple ass dudes is Trickin' like David Blaine.
Men can't get away with nunnadat
ESPECIALLY an ugly dude...he commin up short...anyways...
...but then later when I do find some change, I was supposed to have what's in the vending machine of course.
Survivor Finale was last night...ugh
This is what I'ma say... dude won (if you didn't know, I wont tell ex. who)
but never mind that, they had a fire making challenge and it took ONE and a HALF HOUR and these muhfukas couldn’t make a spark LOL
people yawnin and falling asleep...duke got pissed and gave them matches Puahahahaha!
What's worse? One couldn't build a flame with those and ran out of matches!!
Anyway, this is what I'll say.
Sundra on Survivor is BEAUTIFUL! WOW if she isn't #1 she's definitely #2 on the sexiest women to ever be on Survivor...or hell reality TV that's not a celeb
(First could still be Alicia)...but Sundra...damnit man!

Ghost is BACK!
If you don't have "More Fish" stop being a jerk and go get it...it's the closest you're going to get to Hip Hop music on a major label today
My favorite MC
Is it better than Fishscale? Dunno...close, might be.
I got the Fried fish CD too...bet you can't get THAT at Best buy LOL

Say what you want about me, but I never change/switch it up on you...I'm always the same...people just stop diggin it.
My Computer is f'n up with blogger sites, only in the comments...so I’m not dissin anyone, I'm reading; I just need a new computer.
LMAO about Ruben Studdard/Rick Ross. There is a strong resemblance there lol!
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't need to be jealous...I'm still single
LOL, no! Jewelwery, slang and consitpated facial expressions doesn’t make a man sexy at all!!
ReplyDeleteWhat phone did you get?
Lol you love the Malls during xmas, but its not xmas its April now son!
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