So I thought the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach
So why do we never get taken out for dinner?
Why is it acceptable for a woman to hit you up and say "I'm hungry" "Let's go out to dinner"
and the MAN has to pay? He was chillin'! But that's the only way you get a date sometimes...if you're trickin...err I mean Treatin'
It's not always "trickin" don't take me too literally, and this is definitely NOT meant to say that this goes for all women...all dates...all situations, you know my humor; BUT I STAND by these words as they reference the majority
I continue...
I don't have any problems paying for a meal, or cooking...I actually like to see if I'm the only one that likes my cooking or not LOL
...and maybe it's the control that a man likes to have because he wasn't the one that came up with the idea for dinner he feels some kind of way.
I'm just saying....it's crazy that when a man and woman decide to go out (on the woman's request) the man has to flip the bill
Like, let's go to the movies....okay, Duke may or may not even WANT to go see the movie...but agrees because he's diggin the chick and she called, and it's a way to see her
The fact that when he gets there and he has to pay automatically is that bull son...I mean it's not even a question.
Things are different if it's my idea and I'm planning things out...sure I got it allllll covered
And Nooooo, no one is saying the man HAS to pay
That's what We're 'supposed' to do...if we don’t we're definitely looked at some kinda way from there on.
Sometimes it would be nice to get the:
Reach in the purse fake out LOL
Slide the bill your way fake out LOL
I'll drive since you're paying offer
You get the Movie, I'll get the concessions offer (Shidddd I dunno who makes out on that one) LMAO
Again, I don’t have ANY problem with paying for EVERYTHING on a date
I'm just asking why is it the thing to do?
why is it socially acceptable that the man pay for everything?
I'm not buying the 'be a gentleman' thing...what's that? Because I have a penis I gotta be Tricky McTrickerton every time I see someone I'm interested in? LMAO
I don’t care that that's 'How you were raised' me too, but I'm grown now...and so are you; you got paid Friday just like me LOL
I understand being 'old school' I'm old school too, with hip Hop, Soul Music, Cartoons, Movies, and my Grandma's Biscuits
But women can Vote, Run for Pres, Make more money than me, Sing , Rap, dance, Dunk a basketball...so let's be real
Now, some things you're just supposed to do to be nice, like hold the door...that's being polite...MAYBE if I think about it get the car door (sometimes I forget or it's awkward)
I'm not pullin out no chiar though...get the hell outta here...chair.
(Understand I have to add the funny and the sarcasm otherwise it would be a boring read...I am an asshole but not THAT much)
I continue...
Even first date, Why other than "because" ...don't get me wrong; I'm paying...I just don't know why lol
do you know that some women will sleep with a guy if he spends upwards of a certain amount of money...like he deserves it?
do you know men will spend upwards of a certain amount of money on a date and expect sex...like he deserves it?
...how do you enjoy the sex if you get it that way? I mean with straight prostitution at least it's out in the open...men and women are corny
do you know that there are women that ONLY call certain dudes for free meals and dates?
...now the response is "well they're stupid/suckers for letting that happen" Why? They're supposed to pay when a woman wants to go out.
Plus, you know if you do the fake I'm pay for it fake out...and he calls your bluff and lets you do it, you're lookin like "?!?! He made me pay!? I can't believe this water head mickey-flickey let me pay!' LOL!
This is how it pops off:
A guy could've JUST cooked a Steak, potatoes, veggies...been eating watching cancelled ass Day Break with Vanilla Diggs and he gets a phone call:
Woman: Hey, what's up?
Man: Nothing
Woman: Hey, you wanna do something? I'm hungry...wanna go to Ruby Tuesday?
(This is like those 'choose your adventure books)
Man: Yeah
Typically equals: Put on some clothes, smell goods, hop in the car, drive over, pick them up...pay for the meal that he didn’t want because he already ate, drop her back off, go home and wonder why did I just do that?
...he says YES because he's diggin her, she called, he wants to see her, and that's his shot...his way in...gotta take it when it presents it’s self. For, if he says...
Man: Nah, I just ate.
Woman: Oh okay, I'll let you go....*click*
See cause, she didn't want to hang out/see you because it would've been what did you eat? How about I get some take out or order a pizza and come through
Hey, you wanna come to Ruby's with me just for company?
Well I'ma go pick some up, mind if I stop over...or...want to come through?
All of these things COULD happen...the first is the one that TYPICALLY happens, Guy says yes because if he doesn't he fears that she's going to call another guy who's trying to get with her and will go if he doesn't...so there's lunch for tomorrow...Ruby's leftovers like A MUG!
But that's dating...a guy always picks up the bill when you're dating (for whatever reason)
If you're dating you're dating...but women will put themselves in the 'Friends Zone' and you're STILL supposed to pay, that's extra bull because the woman knows you like her, buy she put you in the Friends Zone' because she's not trying to date you...but she'll let you trick off lol...the only time you don't is when:
The woman is REALLY not interested in you
They KNOW you don’t want to do whatever it is and they're draggin you out
So even if you're just friends...dude pays
Dating....dude pays
I'm not buying the 'then you're cheap' deal either
Everybody's money is the same that ish is for Bills and fun....Men don’t get a Trickin on dates deposit from their check that goes into a separate account for Dinner and movies! LOL!
A Mans $20 bill aint worth $20 while a woman's is worth $12.45!
Men are stupid though...They Trick off, flash cash, take women out to the expensive jump offs (most times before they even know them) and when they start to expect certain things or whatever, they're labeld "Gold digger"...no Flashy McFlflasherton you're the one trying to be Mr. Big stuff...living well beyond your means
...pony up or bounce; can't keep givin a woman Steak then wanna flip her some Spam and be mad she askin for Fillet Mignon!
You get the women that'll say "I'll pay for a date sometime, I don’t care" I gotcha. But you KNOW men won't allow it...you try and pay (the reach in the purse fake out) and he stops you LOL
But then it's the guys fault "See? I TRY to pay, but it's that male ego...his pride...he wont let me"
Shidddddddddddddddddddd I'm lettin! LMAO!
Here's the thing...regardless of what I type, what's right, what anyone thinks the man is going to pay for the majority of dates and entertainment between couples, a good common rule is to say whomever comes up with the activity is the one that pays
and just hope you're not dating some jerk bucket that never comes up with anything or waits for you to lol
Dinner dates are for when both people are hungry OR for sex; if you're truly interested in someone you can do things that require conversation...walking, listening to music, bowling, playing games, etc.
If a woman is only tryin to get her fat face fed every time she calls...it's prolly not poppin off....and you're prolly trickin off :)
I'm not bitter, I just like to type funny words...but there's a ton of truth in it
Besides...I'm not dating anyone, could I be more single? Shiiiidddddd I eat dinner alone son! puahahahahaha
Consider me a asshole if you'd like...but take a survey of yourself, your past, and your friends...if none of the 'asshol'ish' things that I've typed look familiar then my bad LOL
I liked this post. You were being honest I can't fault you for that.
ReplyDeleteIf I initiate a date then I plan on paying for it. This happened recently where I wanted to go watch a movie and asked a "friend" to go with me. I didn't expect him to pay for it and he was willing to but I paid instead. I think since I asked you out, I'd pay for it. Besides he's paid for most of the dates we've gone on. Sometimes it nice to treat your man once in a while. I see no harm in that.
Hmmmmm I feel bad, I was laughing as years ago I had that feeling 'I'm hungry let me call x and see what he says'
ReplyDeleteBut that was years ago I promise.
Back in the day the man used to earn more than the woman that’s why he had to pay, it got sort of accepted in society. Now women earn the same as or even more than men so things get a little shady.
However if my date expected me to pay I wouldn’t be impressed or happy about it as after all he asked to take me out. But then I don’t call guys for meals anymore, I call them because I wanna spend time with them.
I can also pay but the man will know I'm paying if I call them and say 'I would like to take you out'
Sorry I'm rambling arent I? I'm going…lol
I offer to pay for the tip. About 30-40% of the time, I'll offer to pay for the date...but if you ask me to go out, I expect you to foot the bill...you asked me, remember???
ReplyDeleteIf it's someone I REALLY like, I'll do something special....that hardly anyone gets...I'll cook for him...trust me, that's a big DEAL!!!