So If I do a sports post...you know it's going to be full of ....randomness
Leave T.O. Alone
He Spat on dude...and admitted it
He drops balls...he makes statements that other people don't like...so? Leave him alone!
I say that because FOX, CBS, ESPN, all starts their shows with the "T.O. is up to his usual or I'm sick of this guy, blah blah blah
THEN STOP opening the show/telecasts talking about him! It won’t go away because you won’t let it go away...ignore dude if it's that serious.
Ladaninan Tomlinson IS NOT the MVP and is NOT the best (or even top 5) Running backs in the game
I wish people would stop the madness; duke is good...he does his thing on the field and is Probably the best running back in the game THIS season
But c'mon Larry Johnson was the man a year ago...Priest Holmes was the man before that...Hell Jamal Lewis was the man
The Running back thing? You never know...let the guy break some more records...win a rushing title or 3 before he gets in the conversation
...some consistency
Seriously, is he better than Jim Brown, Walter Payton, Barry Sanders, Hell..Thruman Thomas? (notice I left out Twinkle-toes ass...ole Dancing with the Stars champion...I'm a hater lol)
Maybe in time dude will be that, but there’s no reason to be talking that madness now
People should not compare eras anyway...you gotta look at it totally differently
There were different Defenses back then and now...they call/don’t call different things
There were more/less games to be played
The players/level of comp is different
The team around a player
...you know the old argument "If Barry had 'Twinkle-toes" O-Line..." (I still think it's valid too)
You gotta look at how much better a person in his era was over another in theirs...that could be a comparison...otherwise you have to say that in their era they were the best ever....stop it.
I say the MVP is Drew Bres (over Tomlinson) Why?
New/Different Team
Different Conference
It was THE SAINTS!!! look at them 10 Years before Katrina, look at them after Katrina, and look at them now.....Brees
Shoulder Surgery
The Team around him...2-3 Rookies at skill positions
That Defense is pissy
I dunno..maybe I'm wrong....we know LT will win it (AND CAN WE STOP calling him LT...there's only ONE) will win the MVP, he just shouldn't
The Real Most valuable player doesn't win the award all the time (If that were the case, when would Jordan NOT win it?)
...which brings me to...
So I'm a Sixers fan, been one since I was little...granted I was a Bigger Lakers fan...till Nick Van Excel left.
I'm also an Iverson fan, hate that dude had to demand a trade, but I don't blame him...my Team be on that Bull! They:
Bring in bums past they're glory or with question marks to be his "#2" (Mashburn, Stackhouse, Webber, etc.)
Despite playing every minute, every game, all year; they want to trade him every off season
He plays every game, every minute while injured, but want to hit the media like "Yeah he's not practicing" ...fuk eeew
And a bunchaothermoreshit
So, I hope he puts in work in Denver...maybe toughen them up...esp since it looks like their players like to Steal on guys and run away LOL
What's gonna be MORE bull is all the Denver Jerseys that's about to show up, on some "I've always liked Denver...they've been my boys since Alex English!" Bandwagon dick-riders
That fight is another reason why the media annoys me...do people realize that if they do not talk about ish and replay it 55 times a day and say how bad it is, we won't view it that way?
Report on it and let it go
Wasn't even a good fight...Larry Bird, Ewing, Jordan, The Pistons...THEY had good fights lol
Boxing sux...I don’t think they can fix it
Everybody's hero’s lost...there are too many belts
and The heavyweight Division BLOWS!!!!
I refuse to watch Baseball...but I do support the Reds! Go Big Red Machine!
okay, back to football...
If My Bengals don't make the Super bowl I want to see either:
Chargers vs. Saints
Colts Vs. Saints
Chargers Vs. Bears
Top 3 QBs playing right now:
1. Drew Bres
2. Payton Manning
3. Carson Palmer
Top 3 WRs Right now:
1. Chad Johnson
2. Reggie Wayne
3. Torry Holt
Top 3 RBs right now
1. Ladainian Tomlinson
2. Larry Johnson
3. Stephen Jackson
Why do I think Michelle Wie is hot? err...I mean when she gets older I think she might be hot.
Tiger will make me watch Golf anytime...I've also won my Fantasy Golf league two years in a row, and last year I didn’t draft Tiger.
I either Need Serena BACK on the court or some new brown and round to take her place before I watch again....Tennis, back in the day it was all about me and Gabriella Sabatini mmmmm
And the male side was MAD competitive...now? Meh. I used to LIVE for the grand slams on TV
No hockey for me...never could get it; Love playing Blades of Steel on 'Tindo though (and I'm also in a Fantasy Hockey League)
...I'm such a nerd.
Back to Basketball...
The game still sucks, if you've read my blog NBA: Not Basketball anymore you already know.
I didn't realize Kobe changed his Jersey number to 24 until 2 weeks ago
You know what my favorite sport to watch is (outside of the majors)??
Billiards! Esp Women...LOVE it...I can watch it all day
K, I'm done...I typed enough...done alienating 99% of my blog audience LMAO!
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