Welcome black!
Last "I Think I think" of 2007 ...not that it means anything, I just wanted to type that...effewe!
Bengals could've clinched a playoff spot...loss by a point on some missed Field Goal opportunity...Merry Christmas indeed.

(Oh btw I got NOTHING for Christmas...not bitter, just saying)
Gay doesn't mean homosexual anymore...it's a slang term...a negative one...but one nonetheless
I think some men are born gay
A woman finds comfort in another woman and sometimes they end up together
Regular M&Ms and Hershey Bars are horrible...who eats those?
White people LOVE women in school girl outfits
People don't seem to hate on me...more so annoy me till I want to thump them on thei'r upper lip REAL hard
106 & Park all...ready...had...their...New Years...EVE...party?

You know what sucks?
A woman you're diggin and Extra attracted to saying..."I'm attracted to your personality"
If THAT doesn't mean you're ugly ...nothing does LOL!
Remember how the 30th Birthday is supposed to be THE ONE! It's not anymore...
Why is "making Love" just fuckin' but slower? Puahahahahah!
It's about damn TIME: Musiq has a new song (Buddy) HERE
You know they have Caramel Kit Kats right?
FINE! Yes I watch The OC...and I heart the Taylor chick ...so? F U!

I typed that when people meet each other the woman is thinking "Hope he's not a serial Killer" and the Men is thinking "I hope she's diggin me"
Typically, the man is not a serial Killer and the woman is Not diggin the dude lol
The Holiday...you know what people do at the Holidays? Brag about how much they ate
Why are you so proud that you stuffed your fat face till you couldn't move? I mean its cool that people cooked and all...just sayin'
You know the part of your hand in between the index finger and thumb? ... what's that called?
Remember when Tyra Banks yelled at Tiffany? Bwahahahaha

I Next to NEVER invite women over to my place...when I do it means something.
...problem is women don't know that, therefore they don't appreciate the gesture.
Had Vitamin water today "Defense" (Apple and RasPberry) <--I can't get away from that damn "p"
I'll only say/express I'm interested so many times w/o feedback before I say f-it and not fuk witcha on or offline
Stairs to get somewhere? People like UGH!...then get on the Stairmaster for an hour
To this day I SOOO want to Make Sexy time with Rosie Perez

Know what I did over the weekend? Went to the mall, went to the grocery store...talked on the phone, the net, and watched movies.
You know what I do? ...everything I say I'll do.
They don't make Nursery rhymes anymore...not a bad thing since all the old ones were either scary or just sucked.
You know how people get all kidnapped or some kinda something when meeting people on the internet? Is it ever black people?
So if a person takes 3-5 rain checks in a row, it's pretty much a lock that their not interested no?
Man... Ciara is outstanding

In the past week or so I've been called:
Disrespectful to women
Too picky
Easy to get along with
...Fact is, I'm none of the above lol
And what does it mean when people say negative things about you when you never said a bad thing about them ever?
Does it make it truer? (it's a word according to spellcheck) ...Or does it make them assholes?
...dunno. lol
Who are 'rappers' trying to impress?
I don’t hate her THAT much, I have a Beyonce Ringtone
Watched Devil wears Prada yesterday...decent movie indeed.
Anne Hathaway has incredible eyes

Alls I know is over the weekend I saw Flick get his ass beat by Ralphie like 10 times Puahahahaha!
What guy blogs? Shouldn't I NOT be typing this mess? And like...be F'n mad bitches Son!?
We need a black Soap Opera...if done right (unlike Generations) it could pop off...maybe it would be night time soap, but come on every day
Lemme cast it:
Leila Arcieri
Regina King
Kerry Washington
Malinda Williams
Omar Epps
Hill Harper or Larenz Tate
(Gotta be people that's not really working)
I'm the World Heavyweight Champion of the Friends Zone...Whooooooooooo!

What kinda of guy is intimidated by a woman that makes more than them? shiddddd.
Where the hell were the fine teachers that banged students when I was at school?
Guess I'm Shallow
When there's a Storm NOTHING happens
Kevin’s Girl is annoying...is she a serial Killer?
Gloria and Lauren’s Mom need to fall down a elevator shaft
...and if Sheila doesn't show up, Lauren can go too
The Chick F'd the Professor...all raw...no shower afterwards LOL
...and good Break up with JT, he's wack
Speaking of Wack the WHOLE Winters family...damnit man...non actin muhflux
Sooooo...we went through the entire Phyllis health scare and the baby upside down etc. etc. and Jack just popped it out in the elevator.
Quick thinkin stupid, now Brad and everyone else has to lie about a brother...get the old Vicky back
...and get back to the Fakin Jack out ish
Never mentioned but didn't dude just make a whole ass night club REAL fast?
K, I'm done alienating 88% of my readers now....
I hate that whole "I think I just through up in my mouth a little bit" line...annoying, no you didn't.
New Crush:
Janelle Monae

There's like 3 of my Myspace friends I'd sooooooooooooooo date seriously.
You know what scares me? A lot of hangy moles
I LOVE that note Faith his when she says 'Let the music take control"
Usher hasn't made any music in a minute; and I couldn't be any happier
How's that John Legend CD doing? HA! He sux
Thick women are in style these days...lotta ass...lotta breasts, etc.
Skinny women...petite women....sizes 8 and below IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII still got love for you! shiddddd
Come here
Cheating makes NO sense...just break up with the person...how long does a man orgasm last? a few minutes?..a few minutes to ruin whatever you got?
you know who had some Hits?
Hall and Oates

Another phrase/Word that annoys me "The Itis" ...can that no make it to The Double 0-7?
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