The Follow up to the previous ‘5 reasons I’m single blog’ blog
(It’s not you, it’s me)
1. I don’t chase women/play the game
I think (Not saying this is fact at all) but I THINK that women like to be chased, think that men like to chase…or something to that effect…maybe it’s they really want to know or feel that a man likes them…that what he says is genuine, I don’t know.
I just don’t enjoy the cat and mouse game…definitely a reason I’m single.
If I’m diggin’ someone and I tell them, that’s what it is…no need for tests or games to ascertain.
Some women have rules…
The “don’t call till this day rule”,
The “don’t go out this many times in a row” rule.
The “no kiss till this date” rule.
The “no sex till this date” rule.
The “I like you but I wont tell you till you tell me” rule
And the games
The “let me start a argument to see if you care or going to call back” game.
The “playing hard to get”game.
…I guess some men respond to that.
I just let it go…I say it, try and show it, if you’re not buying it; it’s not for sale anymore. LMAO
2. I sound better on paper
Look at it:
Single, never married
No children
Non Smoker
Live alone
College Degree
Disease Free
Never been arrested lol
Supposedly this is good/rare/desired…especially in the DC Metro
Still single though….maybe it’s because my personality is pretty shitty LMAO
3. I play too much
I’m sarcastic.
I joke a lot.
…always in good fun though…never malicious in intent. I can be serious too (sometimes)
I’m just sayin’ that I place a high value on sense of humor, however there’s a steep learning curve to adapt to my sarcasm/sense of humor BUT when/if a person does, it’s pretty damn entertaining …I think
(ESPECIALLY while People watching)
I dunno, I like to live drama and stress free; can’t be all stressed out when you’re laughin’
4. I’m honest
If I’m into a person ‘m into a person…If I say I’m not seeing anyone, I’m not. I guess women are accustom to liars.
I’m a laid back (remember boring) type person so If you ask what I did last night and I say “I hit the movies or I was shooting pool all night” I was…it sounds uneventful but that’s really what I did.
I don’t say many things just to make another person feel good or tell someone ‘what they want to hear’ if you ask my idea of a good date, or what I think about you…or something else and it sounds good, it’s not for you, that’s just how I feel.
I think women are trained to look for the hidden agenda because of stories or past experiences and I get the skeptical eyes LOL
…I’m just me
#5 I’m weird
I’m the pickiest eater you’ll ever encounter
I make obscure references and jokes
I think a woman with a strong work ethic is sexy
I’d rather shop than party
I work at ridiculous hours
I’m more attracted to a woman’s legs and arms than breasts and ass
…I’m almost too laid back for my own good.
Sometimes people make the mistake of trying to ‘figure me out’…stop it, don’t bother; you’ll never get it. I think I’m one of the few that you can take at face value and not regret it.
I’m VH1 Soul in a BET world
…I know I better not come up with another 5
…I know I better not come up with another 5
Oh but you will... :P
Why are you single? Do you have leprosy? LOL
Those reasons aren't so bad, but you are living in city full of high falutant/pretentious/greedy/lonely/desperate bitches whose priorities have gon awry.
You shouldn't still be single, unless you want to be ...
i'm just convinced when a man likes you he likes you nothing else matters it doesn't matter what you do.
everyone says let a man chase you and all these theories. i say no sex it's either they keep pushing or stop calling. i have sex then they want to make booty calls. it sucks eclectik
i don't play games. i go on feelings
maybe i'm different from the ladies in your area but i don't see anything wrong with you lol. why are you single? i guess people can say the same thing about me too though lol
i don't understand the games people play...the dating scene out here in la is all about games and i can't stand it! and forget dealing with drama...i had enough of that in high school.
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