Some people say Sex isn’t as important as the other things in a relationship and I agree…BUT it’s almost like saying personality is more important than looks; it sounds good…it’s the right thing to say but it’s not what actions imply.
Most of the time people have sex before they get a true sense of what a person’s personality is like (Hell sometimes before they know a person’s last name…) BUT
You have to try ‘em out first before you make any commitments…you don’t want to be stuck with someone that can’t do the...well...' do'
You don’t want to wait too long before you get naked, what if you’re sheet compatibility is off?
What if they like to pull hair?
What if they don’t ?
What if they hate to get on top?
What if they don’t know what to do once they’re up there?
What if they smack ass too hard?
Or not at all
What if the Oral skills are Torrific (Horrific and Terrible)
…but you’re digging everything else…you don’t wanna be stuck with bad stickin do you?
If you find someone that gives you everything you need but the ass is trash can you stay with them?
Of course you can say ‘well we’ll work on it…together we can improve on that part, the other things you can’t fix’ true, but what if no matter what you do…what you try...somehow the stroke is just ‘off’ …the positions just never get ‘right’?
Do you cheat?
Do you get out of the relationship?
Do you get a bunch of toys and/or a strong hand? lol
Eventually would you resent the person that’s NOT doing their thang to your thang? LoL
Or is sex not that important?
Maybe it’s not…maybe it’s not that big of a deal
If it’s NOT important, then should you care if your significant other sexes someone else if that’s all it is (because you suck at it)?
Or if it’s not that important, then is it acceptable to never have it? You know it’s going to be trash so why bother? …but wouldn’t you eventually miss it?
Does size matter?
What if the guy is the greatest boyfriend ever but he’s hung like Poodle Puppy? :(
Do men really want a virgin?
You don’t want every session to be a lesson…then you gotta worry about them wondering what other men are like, since they’ve only been with you. :/
…BUT you don’t want to settle down with a Super Hoe either LOL!
Personally I don’t think I could ever be with someone who had a ‘no sex till marriage’ type of mentality…that’s a no go
(For me, for others it may work and hey, do you …or rather don’t…no I guess if you’re waiting you have no choice lol)
...some people want to abstain becuase of past issues/past relationships...been used...haven't had any good scootage...or just simply don't like it...I say "Bah - phooey"
...others have 'rules' they don't have sex until THIS date...or they wait until whenever...or a no sex on the first date policy...BAH...do what you feel, do what feels good...be grown. Waiting till a certain time or a # of dates to do what you already want to does nothing but cheat yourself
(uness the man/woman are total assholes or jerks and make that obvious before you get naked...you saved yourself from a 'wtf did I do that for?' moment...but that's life)
I dunno…I love sex, it feels great! Only 2 things could be better?
Football and Shopping :)
For me, it’s more important that I find the person I’m with 'sexy', over how good they are in the act; because if I find them sexy…it wouldn’t take much...sexy skin, legs, arms....mmmmm
You know how people that you would consider “unattractive” that’s still sexy somehow?
(Serena, Shawnna, Adele Givens, Toni on Girlfriends *Though I find her outstanding*)
ANYWAY back to the topic…
Is sex that important?
How important?
Do you have rules?