Open Minded…Superficial…Fake…
Who’s more? Men or women?
Everyone has their own preferences. A lot of us would like to have others think that we care more about a persons ‘person’ more so than their appearance, but more times than not it’s untrue.
Now I did a whole blog post on how Myspace leads people to be a tad superficial meaning you may only stop on someones page because of their face/picture
(THAT’S why I had put my picture is only in the gallery…aint nobody stopping to see my ass lmao)
…anyway, bottom line some people, better; most people are on that bullshit
Who’s more Superfical? Men or Women? Who’s more Open Minded? Who’s a big Fakey Fakerton?
This is what I know:
A Young man could go to Burger King, and see the most beautiful woman working there, completely decked out in her polyester finest…maybe some fry grease stains on her pants…she may even have the paper crown on, and he’d try to get her number…try and give her his…SOMETHING. He’s taken by her beauty. (Or ass or some derivative)
A young woman could go into Burger King and see a guy that she thinks is sexy as hell working behind the counter…no, he could be in shirt and tie with the manager tag on, if he tried to spit ANY type of game, he’d get shut down like trying to open a GoGo in Brooklyn.
…with the quickness!
Now, is the guy that tried to talk to the woman that worked at Burger King Superficial because he was attracted to her physically and knows nothing about her?
Would that make the guy open minded because he didn’t care about where the woman worked?
What about the woman that shut down the Manager? Is she Closed minded because she wouldn’t give dude a chance because he worked at the King?
Is she superficial to think he can’t offer her anything because of his job?
How important is personality?
What’s the good ratio? From 100% Looks to Personality?
In most cases 50-50 is a good balance, but will anyone go for that?
Iiiiiiii Think
Women would say 50-50 or maybe 60-40 but their actions are 75-25
Men would say 80-20 when their boys are around but ask him later he’d probably say 60-40 or 50-50
Iiiiiiii say this:
Women (not all, but some) would say “I like a gangster ass ni66a, I want a thug…he gotta be blah” so the personality that most would SAY they want doesn’t factor in a lot
This thug don’t have a career, his own place, benefits, romantic, etc…he’s a BET baby
(And NOT of the Donnie Simpson Angela Stribbling mold either)
So as long as he’s sexy he get’s the play
What about men? They like the ass, and breasts, and chicks with full lips (hi :) )
Never do you hear a man SAY they WANT to be with a chicken head…they’ll TREAT a woman like a chicken head (Dunno why you let ‘em)
Never do you hear them say they WANT to be with some loud ass ghetto ass chick
You may hear them say they want a ‘Ride or die chick’
But what is that really?
A chick that’s down for him through whatever?
A chick that rolls with him and understands him?
…hey maybe even transport his drugs and would bust a gun for him
(Even sounded dumb typing it)
Aren’t those more or less personality traits over how sexy she is?
You hear women say: “Why is he with her? She ugly” “Look at her face” “It’s only cuz she has a big ass” (Hi Buffie)
The thing is; men can pick out a part on a woman that he likes true; and it may never be the face, no. But when she treats him right…don’t give him the extra drama, this that and the third he rolls with her.
Personality….over looks…maybe not by much, but over looks nonetheless
I think.
Who’s more of a hypocrite? Men or Women?
Men? What are they hypocritical about?
They’ll say they like a woman because of her ass or breasts…and will admit to being that kind of ‘man’
They’ll say that they only want to smash in some cases…crass but honest.
I honestly don’t know what about men are hypocritical I ask the female readers for those answers…cuz I know we men are …and I know you women will let me know.
I’d almost say I could be…I say I value personality and this and that, then type ‘hips like Serena, ass like Mya’ LOL
Let the records show that I have way more blog posts describing a woman’s personality and actions than their looks.
Women? I dunno,
I may need a whole ‘nother post of this…I gotta get back to work.
..as always up for discussion on the MESSAGEBOARD
I like this one. There is much truth to a lot of that. Crazy, we as humans are very vain. I'm working on me!
I don’t know what to say…. like Ms Mil said, I have to work on me
I would say that men are a lot more visual than women. Lol that’s all I can add!
humm this is a long one:
Guys are BRUTALLY superficial as fuck, looks first, looks second, skills third and the inside dead last... then they STAY wondering why the chick is so (fill in the blank)
Women will overlook a LOT of things for a sense of security and what is considered a GOOD provider (this is to include, looks/sexual gratification/fidelity from a man etc etc), in this sense women are more open minded to give a variety of guys a chance (especially the older they get) as opposed to men, who won't forgive you an off day and expect your hair/nails and physique to be Just So and if it isn't prepare to be seeing him feening and/or lusting over the greener grass... BUT if chicks are being open due to financial security then.... make you go hmmm?!
and both will bold facedly lie about these truth because of how it makes them look
P.S: Only little girls full of drama are still checking for thugs of any kind... grown women recognize how STUPID that is
personality is very important, I'd give it a good 50% or so but I must be totally lusting for the guy as well and I Gotta allow for some chemistry percentage somewhere in there as well
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