Ohio State won...still National Championship bound
The Bengals beat the Panthers and are back on their winning path (though they won by 3 points and my 5 team parlay had them layin 3.5 ...damn bookies)
I went 'home (Read: Ohio) for a couple of days...had to go see my favorite woman (My Momo)
And get some Pizza (Cassano's!!)
Decent time...still ghetto as ever, just more buildings boarded up and fish or chicken places.
Latavia is making a comeback...she had the greatest curves ever....Destiny's Child and beyond
JOY! There’s talk about making a Fraggle rock movie!

Gonna get my Fraggle, Doozer, and Majory Trash Heap on!

I'm going to play Fantasy Basketball again this season
I have Luck number Sleven on DVD, haven't watched it yet...heard it's good.
Who wants to come see w/me?!
Mountain Dew Code Red is extra tasty.

Why didn't any of y'all tell me there's a new Real World/Road Rules challenge on?
Granted my wife isn't on this season (Coral) but I still watch...damn you.
...btw Real World Denver: 2 Black guys NO black women...here's another season I will NOT be watching.
NOTHING will ever beat Real World Las Vegas
Ahhh Irulan


EITHER could've been 'Mrs. Relaxation' LOL
Movies I'm waiting for:
Ghost Rider
Deja Vu
I'm THIS much closer to making that Match.com profile
Propel is pretty damn good...I really only like Mango though
Where the black sheep?! Here's the black sheep
I like Hi-Liters...they're like grown up Crayons
See? I got it...it's not that I'm a introvert or shut-in; it's just that with the lack of actual friends in the area,
I dunno if I have a full-blown shoe fetish (can guys that's not related to the DL have one) I just know I like to buy shoes...scratch that I just like to shop period.
When people say they only want to be friends....usually you're not attractive, seems people don't want to make new unattractive friends.
Annoying purchase that must be made: Light bulbs (ugh)...blew one (two) out yesterday
I saw cuticle clippers/removers for the first time last week
They should make cars that run off of key cards...just swipe and the ignition starts.
I saw Jay-Z's video for whatever the name of that song is...I could’ve been more underwhelmed...k, in short; the song is wack
Sounds just like Encore...which was wack...and NOW it's a Budweiser commercial...sigh.
This may be the first Jay-Z release that I won’t even hear
ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm officially NOT watching BET anymore...I'm done.
...I think what did it was the afore mentioned video; I tuned in and Wack host boy and the chick played the New Jay-Z every hour on the hour...like it was an event.
I bought my mother these Pumas Saturday

Cinnamon applesauce is that shit son!
Reading the Dime lines will get you Horny
...just think about what typing em does LOL
I gotta clean up when I get home
Okay so I say a woman is more attracted to the Face and men more attracted to the shape
...I contradict this though because I'm more attracted to the face.
...but I'm sayin lol
So...if you have an I pod; and you buy CDs...other than the cover art, why would you?
My Top 5 Favorite Smells
1. New Shoe
2. New Car
3. Fresh laundered clothes
4. Cinnamon
5. Peach
I did get a new Cologne...not sayin' what though...y'all aint goin' out gettin your men to smell like me
I'm 6'0 in Nikes...5'-11"-3/4" out :)
You know what the BEST thing about October is?????
...Baseball ends!
Speaking of sports (again) I think I'ma hit up some Wizards games this year.
I don't have any Tattoos and my ears are not pierced
I've seen a handful of people on myspace I'd soooo date.
...Pet Rescue too...she's a keeper.
My Bathroom is the best looking room at my place
Ugh nothing is worse than Monday Morning office chatter...stupid people and their stupid weekends.
...I smell another workplace blog brewin...dunno.
Top 5 Women that all my friends are diggin that does NOTHING for me:
1. Gabrielle Union
2. Golden Brooks
3. Vivica Fox
4. Michelle Williams (Destiny's Child)
5. Ashanti
I would have loved to watch that DVD with you but we live too far apart lol
Reading Dime lines does get you in the mood...so yeah you are right I cant imagine what writing them does.
Your bathroom is the best looking room? my living room is.
Have a great day!!
I too like the Mt Dew Code Red
Wasn't ready for the naked pics
Im having trouble decorating my bathroom. Just dont know what to put in there.
And Dime Lines are awesome!
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