What I would look for in a woman...in order no less, of course no woman would need to possess ALL of these things, but I needed something to type about and im being honest; sue me! LOL
Mentally/Personality wise
1st Sense of humor
Why first? I dunno; I joke a lot…I like when a woman is humours…sarcastic…likes to play a round…silly, even goofy; it’s a turn on…sexy to me.
2nd Good conversation
It’s always nice to be able to talk to someone lol Idle chatter (while I loathe it at work *especially in and around my workspace*) is great…that’s where the sense of humor comes out…the compatibility. I’ve always been attracted to women that can hold a decent conversation more notably when it’s about next to nothing…just talking about Real World, or what’s the better flavor pop tart…why 90% of people in the DC metro are not from the DC metro…nothing special, just yappin’
There’s no strain to find something to talk about because it comes so natural so sometimes you can be around them and not have to speak…and it’s okay, you’re just good with them in the room….those types of relationships are the best!
3rd Aspirations/Goals/Work ethic
A Woman with focus is a beautiful creature…that’s trying to do something with her self…be it school, trying to get a head at work; upward mobility. Seeing a woman come home from work is sexy…even in school; watching a woman studying was always a turn on.
Nerds are HOT! :)
4th Laid Backedness (it's a word!! lol)
2. Badu

4. Megan Good

5. Lauryn Hill

6. Eva Mendes

3rd Legs
I LOVE legs….I’M A LEG MAN! Defined legs are sexy…thighs…calves? Women you have no clue…Serena Williams’s legs? Love em…Mya’s? Adore them…slim legs like the girl Julisa on 106& Park? YUP! All thicknesses as long as they don’t look like baseball bats and aren’t scared up. I thanked God that 1thing by Amarie was on the Hitch DVD!!!!
Love Legs….thus my infatuation with tract stars, the WNBA, and Ciara:

4th Eyes
They don’t have to be a uncommon color, or a different shape….not always; sometimes a woman can smile at you with her eyes…sometimes it looks like they see right through you (Some see right through your bullshit lol) But I love women with pretty eyes…eye lashes…eye brows; so seductive. I sat across a woman at Chipotle not too long ago her eyes were so mesmerizing twice I missed when I grabbed my taco lol…damn she was gorgeous
Top 5 Favorite Celebrity eyes
1. Kristen Wilson (From Dr. Doolittle and Bulletproof)

2. Badu

3. Leila Arcieri

4. Vivian Green

5. Denise Vasi

5th Arms
Weird right? I don’t know when this started…I think after I saw Angela basset in the ‘What’s love got to do with it’…and again in ‘How Stella…’
OR the first time I saw Oprah’s under arm Waddle LMAO!
When a woman with toned arms is just out and out sexy…Ciara too; damn yep!
I suppose that’s why I adore women in tank tops and anything spaghetti strapped
So that’s it…of course I’m attracted to much more than that…and there are probably more important things…but in all honesty and in order that’s what I like , look for and why.
I know…no Ass or Breasts makes the list seem like bullshit LOL
If a woman had all of the 5 things listed above I could give a good damn if she’s flat as a board up top and had a Desperate Housewives booty…that’s real.
(For the record though 6th would be behind; 7th would be breasts…behind first so she’d have SOMETHING, I can deal with small breasts
…though I do adore full Cs)
Replace eyes with smile and you got me ;)
...and me! Although sadly Im taken!
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