1. Daffy Duck

Daffy may be a lunatic vigilante in one short but a greedy glory hound in the next
If I had to pick any cartoon character that I'm most like it would be Daffy...he's a loon and always has a plan
More importantly sarcastic as hell
2. Bugs Bunny

THIS is my guy, most look at the cartoon and think Bugs is funny, but if you really look close you'll find he's a complete and utter jerk LOL
Just fux with people for sport, granted ...dude be the hunted a lot of the time but he always gets the best of em.
3. Yosemite Sam

Violent and belligerent
Sam is significantly tougher and more aggressive than Elmer Fudd when challenging Bugs. He is also quicker to learn from his mistakes, and never falls for the same ploy twice. However it is Sam's own cockiness that always gets the best of him; Bugs learns to deal with Sam upon learning that he is incapable of turning down a challenge. Every time Bugs dares Sam to "step across that line," Sam can't help but do so, even if he steps off into empty space or down a mine shaft.
Another angry dude...He's fukn funny as I dont know what though...he has more names for Bugs, hands down the most quotable:
"...ya dang old fin flappin' flounder..."
"...ya shovel nose mackrel..."
"...ya no good bush wackin' baracuda..."
"I'm Riff Raff Sam, the riffiest riff that ever riffed a raff!"
4. Grouchy Smurf

There is NO possible way I can ever dislike a character that Hates everything...sheer brilliance! Hilarious!
And close to my personality LOL He be on the: do you want to go to the fair? "I HATE going to the Fair" Oh okay, then you don't have to go to the Fair "I HATE not going to the fair" Puahahaha
5. Starscream (Transformers)

Ambitious and treacherous
He is more intelligent than the average Decepticon, ruthless and cruel in his actions, but also somewhat of a coward.
Starscream was the decipticon (Bad guy) second in command to Megatron; he always tried to take over and undermine the leader...and again was an asshole
6. Cobra Commander

He was less of an evil genius and more of a psychotic egomaniac
Frequently led assaults himself, but was a coward at heart and proved the first to turn tail in retreat whenever the tide of battle shifted unfavorably. Impatient and frequently hysterical, he was prone to fits of rage when things went badly, often launching into extended rants. He was also greedy and egotistical, often mistreating his own troops to the point of mutiny, and on multiple occasions saw his plans foiled by his own arrogance.
7. Spider-man

The every man super hero...he was a teenager...always had something smart to say to the bad guys...and had the best collection of bad guys so the shows were always fresh.
8. Wile E Coyote (super genius)

That's another one...dude with the Acme Black card...can get anything he wants (cept food LOL) in the Road runner joints he next to never says anything but is funny as hell
AND when he's f'n with Bugs...dude kills me with the "super genius"
Funniest ish is the beginning of the Road Runner jump offs when they stop motion for the intros and have the descriptions...most didn't really pay attention but some of them were like:
Carnivorous Vulgaris
Eatibus Anythingus
Eatibus Almost Anythingus
Eternalii Famishiis
Hard-Headipus Ravenus
Evereadii Eatibus
Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Desertus-operativus Imbecilus
Then maybe ONLY funny to me one episode when the two kids were watching the show and asked why he chased the road runner, he stopped and had a chart describing the parts of the road runner and what it tasted like:
Sponge cake
(Tail and neck)
Candied yam
Chop suey
Pork chop
Cheddar cheese (Wile E. clarifies it as being "Wisconsin cheddar")
Double martini (very dry)
Yorkshire pudding
10. Tom (The Cat)

More so when he was in the Zoot suit! and the one when he was singin "Is you is"
Dude be mackin on the female cats like a G
He and Jerry can keep me in tears
EXCEPT for that one season where they were animated all weird and in space etc.
10. Ren Hoek
Funny dog...calls Stimpy an "eeediot" and slaps him around, quite literally. Ren is vain, spiteful, hyperactive, abusive, and gets irritated (especially by Stimpy) very easily. Ren will often go completely insane during the course of an episode. His lifelong ambition is to have huge pectoral muscles LOL!!
Decent list? Who do you guys like?
That was a good list. I like almost all of the characters on there. I would probably have to add Tweety and Tigger to my list because they are two of my favorites. Tweety because he looked so sweet and innocent but really he liked to get ish started with that cat. Tigger because he just didn't give a d#mn. He was in his own world enjoying himself.
When I was younger I watched Ren and Stimpy b/c they were so entertaining, but I always felt some kinda way about that show. Something about them scared me, in hindsight I think Ren was a crackhead!
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